Built-in Headless Browser

If you need to interact with a website, you can use the built-in headless browser. This is useful for web scraping, testing, and more.

Puppeteer is used as the headless browser engine

Puppeteer is a JavaScript library which provides a high-level API to control Chrome or Firefox over the DevTools Protocol or WebDriver BiDi.

import { B } from "@olton/easytest";

beforeAll(async () => {
    await B.create();

afterAll(async () => {
    await B.bye();

describe("Google", () => {
    test("Search", async () => {
        await B.visit("https://example.com");
        const title = await B.document.title();
        expect(title).toBe("Example Domain");


  • B.create(options) - Create a new browser instance.
  • B.bye() - Close the browser instance.
  • B.visit(url, options) - Visit a URL.
  • B.document.title() - Get the title of the current page.
  • B.document.url() - Get document url.
  • B.document.html() - Get document html, include doctype.
  • B.document.cookies(urls[]) - Get document cookies.
  • B.$(selector) - Finds elements that match the selector. If no element matches the selector, the return value resolves to [].
  • B.window(prop) - Get specified window property.
  • B.screenshot(path) - Take a screenshot of the current page.
  • B.click(selector) - Click to an element specified by selector.
  • B.tap(selector) - Tap to an element specified by selector.
  • B.type(selector, text, options) - Type text to an element specified by selector.
  • B.emulate(device) - Emulates a given device's metrics and user agent.
  • B.devices - Get supported emulated device's list.
  • B.addCss(options) - Add CSS to the current page.
  • B.addJs(options) - Add JS to the current page.
  • B.addFunction(name, fn) - Add a function to the window object in current page.
  • B.pages() - Get all pages.
  • B.pageCount() - Get the number of pages.
  • B.page(index) - Get the page instance by index.
  • B.newPage() - Create a new page and set it as current.
  • B.setPage(page) - Set the page as current.
  • B.setPageNyIndex(index) - Set the page as current.
  • B.close(runBeforeOnLoad) - Close the current page by index.
  • B.closePage(page, runBeforeOnLoad) - Close the page by Page index or Puppeteer page object.
  • B.closeAll(runBeforeOnLoad) - Close all pages.
  • B.exec(js, ...args) - Execute JavaScript in the current page.
  • B.startCoverage(options?) - Start code coverage.
  • B.stopCoverage() - Stop code coverage.
  • B.currentPage - Get the current page instance.
  • B.browser - Get the browser instance.


In example below we test the accordion.html file for Metro UI.

import {beforeAll, afterAll, describe, it, expect, delay, getFileUrl, B} from "@olton/easytest";

beforeAll(async () => {
    await B.create()

afterAll(async () => {
    await B.bye()

describe("accordion.html tests", () => {
    it("accordion.html", async () => {
        await B.visit(`${getFileUrl(`./__html__/accordion.html`)}`)
        if (B.error) {
            await delay(1000)
            await B.screenshot('./screenshots/accordion.html.png', {
                fullPage: true