Testing HTML Elements

EasyTest has a built-in DOM object that allows you to test HTML elements in your tests (we use happy-dom to create one). For testing HTML elements, global objects such as window, document and corresponding global methods and interfaces are created.

To enable global DOM, you need to use parameter --dom in the command line, or set dom to true in the configuration file.

    "scripts": {
        "test": "easytest --dom"


    "dom": true

Also you can use DOM.setup() method to set up the DOM object manually.

beforeAll(() => {
        url: "http://localhost",

afterAll(() => {

In each test, you can use the window and document objects to test the HTML elements.

Example of test with HTML elements.

import '../lib/metro.js'

describe(`Accordion tests`, () => {
    beforeEach(() => {
        <div id="accordion">
            <div class="frame">
                <div class="heading">Heading</div>
                <div class="content">Content</div>

    it(`Create accordion`, async () => {
        const accordion = window
            .makePlugin("#accordion", 'accordion')[0]

DOM object

EasyTest exports the DOM object that contains methods and properties for working with the DOM.

import {DOM} from '@olton/easytest'

Properties & Methods

  • css - scope, contains methods to load CSS files.
  • js - scope, contains methods to load JavaScript.


  • fromFile() - loads CSS styles from file. This method creates a style tag with the content.

  • fromString() - loads the CSS from string. This method creates a style tag with the content.

  • fromUrl() - loads the CSS from URL. This method creates a link tag with the href attribute.

  • fromObject() - create CSS from object.

Create tag style and put into textContent contents of style.css file.


Create tag style and put into textContent string content

    body {
        background-color: red;

Create tag link with href to URL


Create tag style and put into textContent object content

    body: {
        backgroundColor: 'red'


  • fromFile() - loads JavaScript from a file.

  • fromString() - loads JavaScript from a string.

  • fromUrl() - loads JavaScript from a URL.

Create tag script and put into script.js file content


Create tag script and put into string content

    function hello() {
        return "Hello"

Create tag script with src to URL



  • setup(options) - sets up the DOM object.
  • bye() - removes the DOM object.
  • html(str) - Set Document HTML.
  • eval() - evaluates the JavaScript code.
  • $() - synonym for document.querySelector().
  • $$() - synonym for document.querySelectorAll().
  • flush() - removes all elements from the document.

Setup DOM

EasyTest automatically sets up the DOM object before each test. But you can set up the DOM object manually.

    url: 'http://localhost:8000/',

All setup options are optional.

    url: 'http://localhost:8000/',
    disableJavaScriptEvaluation: false,
    disableJavaScriptFileLoading: false,
    disableCSSFileLoading: false,
    disableComputedStyleRendering: false,
    handleDisabledFileLoadingAsSuccess: false,
    errorCapture: 'processLevel',
    navigation: {
        disableMainFrameNavigation: false,
        disableChildFrameNavigation: false,
        disableChildPageNavigation: false,
        disableFallbackToSetURL: false,
        crossOriginPolicy: 'no-cors'
    navigator: {
        userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
        maxTouchPoints: 5
    timer: { 
        maxTimeout: -1, 
        maxIntervalTime: -1, 
        maxIntervalIterations: -1 
    device: { 
        prefersColorScheme: 'light', 
        mediaType: 'screen' 