EasyTest has a built-in matcher library that allows you to test your code with a large number of matchers.
To use a matcher, you need to call expect, which will return an instance of Expect, which, in turn, will make it possible to call the corresponding matcher on the specified value.
If in expect
you pass the value to be tested,
then in matcher you specify a control value that must either match the value being tested or not.
Also in matcher you can pass your custom error message.
toBe(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is equal to the expected value. Matcher uses the Object.is()
method to compare values.
toBeNot(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is not equal to the expected value. Matcher uses the Object.is()
method to compare values.
toBeStrictEqual(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is strict equal (uses ===
) to the expected value.
toBeNotStrictEqual(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value isn't strict equal (uses !==
) to the expected value.
toBeEqual(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is equal (uses ==
) to the expected value.
toBeNotEqual(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is not equal (uses !=
) to the expected value.
toBeObject(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual object is equal to the expected object. Checks only own level properties and values.
toBeTrue(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is true
toBeFalse(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is false
toBeBoolean(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a boolean
toMatch(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value matches the expected RegExp
toNotMatch(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value does not match to the expected RegExp
toBeDefined(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is defined.
toBeUndefined(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is undefined.
toBeNull(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is null.
toBeNotNull(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is not null.
toBeGreaterThan(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is greater than the expected value.
toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is greater than or equal to the expected value.
toBeLessThan(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is less than the expected value.
toBeLessThanOrEqual(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is less than or equal to the expected value.
toBetween(min, max, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is between the specified minimum and maximum values.
toBeInteger(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is an integer.
toBeNotInteger(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is an integer.
toBeSafeInteger(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a safe integer.
toBeNotSafeInteger(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a safe integer.
toBeFloat(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a float.
toBePositive(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is positive.
toBeNegative(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is negative.
toBeFinite(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is finite.
toBeNumber(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a number and not is NaN.
toBeNaN(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is NaN.
toBeCloseTo(expected, precision = 2, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is close to the expected value within a certain precision.
toThrow(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual function throws an error.
toThrowError(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual function throws an error matching the expected value.
toBeHEXColor(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a HEX color.
toBeRGBColor(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is an RGB color.
toBeRGBAColor(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is an RGBA color.
toBeHSVColor(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is an HSL color.
toBeHSLColor(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is an HSL color.
toBeHSLAColor(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is an HSLA color.
toBeCMYKColor(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a CMYK color.
toBeColor(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a valid color (HEX, RGB, RGBA, HSV, HSL, HSLA, or CMYK).
toBeNotColor(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is not a valid color (HEX, RGB, RGBA, HSV, HSL, HSLA, or CMYK).
toHaveBeenCalled(msg?: string)
Asserts the mock function was called at least once
toHaveBeenCalledTimes(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts the mock function was called at least once
toHaveBeenCalledWith(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the mock function was called with specified arguments.
toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the mock function was called last with specified arguments.
toContain(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value contains the expected value.
toNotContain(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value does not contain the expected value.
toBeDeepEqual(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is deeply equal to the expected value.
toBeDeepEqualSafe(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is deeply equal to the expected value using a safe comparison.
toBeObjectStructureEqual(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual structure is equal to the expected structure.
toBeArrayEqual(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual array is equal to the expected array.
toBeArray(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is an array.
toBeArraySorted(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is sorted.
toBeArrayNotSorted(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is not sorted.
toBeArrayUnique(msg?: string)
Asserts that values in the array are unique.
toBeArrayNotUnique(msg?: string)
Asserts that values in the array are not unique.
toBeIP(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a valid IP address.
toBeNotIP(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value isn't a valid IP address.
toBeIPv4(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a valid IPv4 address.
toBeIPv6(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a valid IPv6 address.
toBeEmail(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a valid email address.
toBeUrl(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a valid URL.
toBeEmpty(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is empty.
toBeNotEmpty(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is not empty.
hasLength(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the array-like object has the expected length.
toBeBase64(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a Base64 encoded string.
toBeJson(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a JSON string.
toBeXml(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is an XML string.
hasProperty(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value has the specified property.
hasNoProperty(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value has not the specified property.
toBeType(type, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is of the specified type.
toBeInstanceOf(type, msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is an instance of the specified type.
toBeString(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a string.
toBeFunction(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a function.
toBeAsyncFunction(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is an async function.
toBeDate(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a date.
toBeDateObject(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a date.
toBeRegExp(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a regular expression.
toBeSymbol(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a symbol.
toBeBigInt(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a BigInt.
toBeMap(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a Map.
toBeSet(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a Set.
toBeWeakMap(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a WeakMap.
toBeWeakSet(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a WeakSet.
toBeArrayBuffer(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is an ArrayBuffer.
toBePromise(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a Promise.
toBeHtmlElement(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is an HTML element.
toBeNode(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is an HTML node.
toBeDocument(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is an HTML document.
toBeHtmlCollection(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is an HTML collection.
toBeWindow(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a Window object.
toBeTextNode(msg?: string)
Asserts that the actual value is a Text node.
hasClass(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the HTML element has the specified class.
hasNoClass(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the HTML element has the specified class.
hasAttribute(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the HTML element has the specified attribute.
hasNoAttribute(expected, msg?: string)
Asserts that the HTML element has the specified attribute.
hasChildren(msg?: string)
Asserts that the HTML element has children.
hasNoChildren(msg?: string)
Asserts that the HTML element has children.
hasParent(msg?: string)
Asserts that the HTML element has a parent.
hasNoParent(msg?: string)
Asserts that the HTML element has no parent.